Thursday, January 14, 2010

How To Sew In Weave Bangs How Do I Sew On Lace Around The Edges Of A Pillow?

How do i sew on lace around the edges of a pillow? - how to sew in weave bangs

hii (: I make a homemade pillow and I wanted to sew lace on the side of the pillow. The problem is that the tips I can sew on the corners. Do I tighten the fitting in the corners or the tape into 4 strips tip Orr then sew, if you have other ideas.

Thank you! (appreciatedd Answers:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have to sew the game between the front and back of the cushion. Take back the piece and place it on a table with the right side is facing you. Now imagine your laces and tactics on the edge of the tissue, 1.5 cm from the edge. When reaching a corner, turn the base into a corner and form. If you bobbin lace overlay tours and turn the cut edge. Now go to the front of the cushion, and at the beginning of the play with the ball joint - you have to take place with the right side towards the outlet. Now pin and tactics against the back all around. Total machine, but can turn a small opening to the right. Then, when you're done, there can be little point in dragging the difference with his hand.

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