Friday, February 19, 2010

Pickit For D2nt Getting Into Programing Microcontrollers (c Or C++)?

Getting into programing microcontrollers (c or c++)? - pickit for d2nt

I am learning to program microcontrollers interested, but do not know where to start. The stamps are a kind of base of the face and spears, and I do not really learn to assembly. It has some knowledge in Java, but like I said, spears are too expensive. I am particularly pleased with programming in C + + interested because it's similar to Java and also cheaper than a postage stamp. I can see some pictures and can not find it, a good book about them. 123 microcontroller for the evil spirit looks great, but it is up to 1 PICKIT recommended that no longer comes with a PIC16F684 (I think it is) the number. Compiler to my idea of freedom! PICC-Lite and I understand that I am a PIC standard C + + program can be with him. In any case, my basic question, what I do isto start? All this and a good book.
PWM salt is very important, what can I do

1 comment:

Jeffrey C said...

Firstly, welcome to the wonderful world of integrated programming language! (and no, I'm kidding, I have done for over 20 years, and I love her and not) to write desktop applications.

The kits are easier (and cheaper) that I saw were the tops of the Rabbit Rabbit ( The configuration is as many dollars to about $ 200 (if I remember correctly, I can not) spend much time on your site. You do not get the Board of Directors, the compiler (C, C + +, but can also be a C + + version as well), cables and power supplies (I do not know how often I forget) to buy.

They often have a 2-day class if you participate, you get the SDK at no additional cost.

If you have further questions are embedded in it (I told you everything KNOAbout Rabbits w) does not hesitate to write.

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