Monday, February 22, 2010

Cut Off His Penis Torture Why Do People Circumcise Their Sons So They Look Like Their Father?

Why do people circumcise their sons so they look like their father? - cut off his penis torture

I do not understand in this sense. Is ready, a child has no say in the decision, tortured and mutilated his penis ... the only way they can look like his father. The man expected to see their parents that the penis for a few minutes of your life anyway ... Parents and the penis is much larger, hairy, and mature as a baby's penis. The baby is not supported parents and I became a problem when they realize that the penis is different fathers. Why cut off what was the nature / God has shown it there? If the father had a leg, cut the baby's leg, they are "like his father?" What do you think?


darth72a... said...

I agree with you completely. Of course I am and I let my own child, not what it might look like daddy, but because I had no problem with me why he should. My stepfather was cut, and I remember his penis and I never thought I was weird because he is different from mine. Of course the best.
There is no doubt that people like to do next Beacher to this court as an adult with 2 children. I always wonder if the children in the garden because he regretted Getting It Done?

If someone can see the video link below to have a child and still want your son can not be too sorry for the child a father.

Harriet said...

I totally agree!

I do not think that is the choice for parents in everything! That's not his penis! Is your son's penis, and has the right to decide when he is old enough to have. Many regret the circumcision at birth, and then not know what they're missing.

The view, "as Dad" argument is the worst of times. Daddy penis is big and hairy! Penis father is probably once or twice in their lives and the same account? Hey willingness over the age of 10 or not? Can a line "because the penis father had a little skin is removed, the doctors are declared to be used for a long, but we do nothing?" People compare the father of aND penis spanking a child?

All "arguments" of circumcision are full of holes and up to laziness. Too lazy to wash, too lazy, too lazy to explain a condom, take around 5 minutes to complete, not back in the old days, but the son why someone's dad had a procedure.

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