Thursday, February 4, 2010

What Is A Blister On My Babys Penis My Babys Privates Are Very Read And Blistered?

My babys privates are very read and blistered? - what is a blister on my babys penis

shes 6 months old, and I havn't been to give something, last week, but yesterday morning I went to change his diapers and shit nose was real and his soldiers are very, very red and blisters! screams when I haesit in the cream, and I do not know what to do! This looks like a normal diaper rash inner thighs, the rest of his soldiers is so bad! aft went out .... she has a doctor appointment in the 2nd, should I take them? dosnt seem to mind if you have them and the area clean .... had something to do with children's diseases? I am a young mother, and all information can really help!


cherryan... said...

1. Change diapers frequently, so keep the area dry and clean as possible. For a newborn, this is all two hours or as needed. Older children can often be a bit longer between changes.
2. Carefully clean your baby with unscented wipes or a soft cloth with water. Dry the area carefully.
3. Let the butt of your child as often as possible to heal the rash and too dry.
4. Try a severe rash, diaper rash cream and zinc oxide to treat others. Once the rash disappears, the light creams such as A & D ointment can add a layer of moisture in the soil of your baby to prevent the formation of new eruptions.
5. If the rash seems to be particularly difficult, which could be caused by yeasts. Try an anti-fungal creams to see whether that helps clarify to.
6. For severe rashes, consult your doctor whether the layer hydrocortisone cream 1% for several days under any of the other creams. But remember that this is a short-term remedy, and that over time can cause the delicate skin of your child.
7. If the rash looks like a red ring at the bottom of your child, this may be caused by food allergy. Doing some detective work to see if you determine the cause and eliminate the culprit in the diet of your baby.
8. If the rash remains, despite their efforts to look at the pediatrician. Some outbreaks have prescription creams.
9. Remember that most rashes are not serious and clear up soon.
Cream fate rather try Butt Paste Boudreaux. I use it and remove all your costs.
You can do it at Toys R Us can be found in the rest of the drug are diaper rash.

Please contact your doctor to make sure it is a yeast infection or diaper rash that requires a strong med ....

Amanda H said...

Every time you give to change it, Abuot 10 minutes of "open air". This can really help. Make sure you also get 100% cleaning of areas that suffer.

If it gets worse at any time, at an early stage in the doc.

Amanda H said...

Every time you give to change it, Abuot 10 minutes of "open air". This can really help. Make sure you also get 100% cleaning of areas that suffer.

If it gets worse at any time, at an early stage in the doc.

becca989... said...

sounds like a yeast infection ... theoc call and get some cream to escape .. very common in infants, especially in summer

§ ☼ JLG ☼ § said...

My son would shit every time flows when a tooth - could, of course, this is a skin rash. I tried creams, diaper rash - it worked well, a friend who is a nurse, I put Neosporin on it. Only a thin layer - a few hours the redness and irritation of the improvement. He has never again creams for diaper rash. My son is now almost 4 and we use / Please always use my daughter, who is 2nd

deezel09 said...

taken before the second, you think of the poor and shes pain

Tiffany said...

Cause diarrhea, skin rashes bad ... fast. I Balmex on my daughter. I am currently a nanny for the family ... I work for uses the so-called "butt paste''... iKNOW funny ... but it works really well. Keep it out of his coat as often as possible and help out. Enjoy it too! Bathe with hot water and dry .... I do not think she needs to see a doctor ... but if you feel safe, then feel free. ... after all that I can not see, I can make an informed decision. It is more than likely to try serious cases of diaper rash or chafing ... ... but what I proposed, and will disappear. Good luck ... I hope for the best.

titi6374 said...

I am a mother of 3 and, if it can be for my kids happen to them "air" ... without a coat or something

Yoga Wifey said...


It may well be teething know that my two ever got really bad diaper rash, then the teeth are like a couple of days. The best thing is to believe it or not egg whites. Dry it put on the first and leave. It will be difficult to heal and really good. Not always, just like the feeling that even drying, but do not worry, it does not harm, but they can sting a bit.

Try egg whites and then decide whether you still need to see a doctor .... Advantages of the new teeth.


mete said...

It seems that their abundant liquid water and minerals lost (Go to the Dominican Republic will lose up to go)

Diarrhea is common in the summer months

pocahont... said...

Some babies for ongoing stool and diaper rash when teething. ask your doctor and let them know what happened, who will tell you if you bring it or not.

I cons Gerber Diaper Rash Ointment (oatmeal) for my baby, and it seems to work quite well.

If you can ... left him without a coat for a period of 15-20 minutes here and there to go, the air will help heal them.

pocahont... said...

Some babies for ongoing stool and diaper rash when teething. ask your doctor and let them know what happened, who will tell you if you bring it or not.

I cons Gerber Diaper Rash Ointment (oatmeal) for my baby, and it seems to work quite well.

If you can ... left him without a coat for a period of 15-20 minutes here and there to go, the air will help heal them.

elaeblue said...

Try a cold water bath and let it lay in her bed without a diaper. Continue with Desitin. Buy Pedialyte and give him to stop the diareah. This is also to maintain the electrolyte balance. Most doctors say to stop a formula, while the child is haveing this loose stools, but you should talk to your doctor before stopping.

robee said...

Neosporin can help. Put a coat over her. Let the air out of the skin. I would call the doctor and try to return more, if possible. They may also consult to help you until you can see the doctor,

uteva713 said...

It can be a single touch of a virus. If it really irritates you want him to take doctor can help you with a prescription strength ointment. I know that my second son was allergic to certain diapers and wipes to ensure that this does not change either. I hope that you are a little better.

tammer said...

Balmex is the first ........................ Washing easier and easier, and works much better ............. I would call the DR and see if they think they should see the child.

cheryl b said...

The diarrhea, this is a really bad rash. You need medical care.

...say what said...

Maybe it's a bad skin rashes or infections. Go to the emergency room. They do not prefer to wait, so concerned. Good luck

Autumn said...

Sometimes, diarrhea can cause a rash. My son had a yeast infection once and sounded a bit like that. Make sure the cream you use the ingredients of zinc oxide. I always add boudrouxxs butt, I know it's there. I do not think it has to do with start-up difficulties. Please go, it is likely that a yeast infection. Another thing that really helps with the rash is to keep your butt for a while.

Candi is Dandy said...

Oh yes .... My son has had diarrhea when he teething ... Fever. You can skin rash b / c of the loose stools. It's annoying. Get a little powder (odorless), and rub or short legs and wherever you need .... Make sure that it does not breathe Tho. The powder is, to most of the moisture.
Good luck!

Michelle P said...

I think he is teething, and later my daughter the same and one or two weeks he had had two teeth! Many of my friends agree, the first teeth have shit running and a terrible rash! Just change the level and cream, all you can do! Good luck! I hope she feels better!

Whatz new Oaktree said...

They should bring him to the doctor. Your doctor may give you something better for them.

martyct said...

Do not use Desitin now. Let stand in a warm bath, with a little soap in water. Or just play and at home (not at least once or twice daily). After a while of cornstarch, dry, even after the (dry) layer and change a lot (every hour), or not at all be naked. Basically, I want it to be clean and dry. When on a level place, try Triple Paste (ask your pharmacist) or a bit of A & E Ointment. It can be caused by something else - the allergy diaper rash, heat-pimples. Could a yeast infection, it is good that you have dr. Date of next week. But is the key - be clean and dry. Diaper rash ointments typical disadvantages should not be used (Balmex, Desitin, etc., because they are cut, but the pasta is awesome triple)

trigam41 said...

My daughter was very red. This is the right of diaper rash caused by liquid shit. It is very annoying if you put something into it, but will thank you later, he began to calm down and heal.
Teething does not cause sp (diareah?) It is not unusual, but I have not seen any bubbles. I want to make with your doctor and call progress to date.

kat k said...

poor child, you try to leave the layer .. and ointment, after him a luke warm bath .. the sun with his help diaperless also help to also try corn starch instead of ointments, creams are sometimes worse!
She needs a lot of fluid from and make sure enough water to dilute the urine .. good luck to ya!

Tony said...

Many answers to your questions
Now go to the DOCS.
Perhaps nothing, but they can see what the problem is.We can all imagine, but can not see

amandaly... said...

Who would now never know .....

thecurle... said...

I think it's because he teething problems - often baby's diaper rash and loose stools at the time.

) Better than me (for my daughter, especially since it's summer, let her go without a coat as long as possible, and bathe often, her ass in a soft bath product.

It's OK, but still says his doctor.

sheila a said...

P Misti is right!
Aquaphor is the best for diaper rash.
It's a bit expensive, however, but when it comes to a baby with a red "tripped and Fanny, alas. My grandfather gave me some troubleshooting steps and it works ..
Use Milk of Magnesia, DAB IT on the affected area with cotton wool, dry air, and PUT RASH back.
Seems crazy, I know, but it works

chris m said...

My daughter gets that way again. It has 17 months, and sometimes this area is very red (I do not think I've ever seen light bulbs) and cries when I wipe with a damp towel. Change The only thing to do in diapers when it comes, keep it clean, always a fresh layer of cream on each ass red areas, and as soon as the leaves red, be sure to give him a bath and cleaned thoroughly but gently . I would be the doc to make sure that the bubbles do not get worse ... it takes 5 minutes to watch and be ready to go before your appointment. Good luck!

dvnlady said...

You need to have them as soon as possible. This is causing the bacteria diarrhea. Probably to help a prescription cream such as Nystatin, to improve this situation. My son has diarrhea so bad when I was born, who had gone with a tear in Butthole @ 10 days to an end. Because of its formula. If your towels smelling or so trying to eradicate the Pampers Sensitive, or simply stroking with a soft towel to your time. Also reached in the meantime, before it was to the Dominican Republic to try Vaseline as a barrier for the skin, if he see the phrase Desitin When my son did not have its circ in mind that no vaseline

. If you are trying to give solid food, rice, cereals. My mother has always said that if an adult has diarrhea, eat a Brat. Bananas, Rice Apple Toast. My children DEP, said the fruit a good idea for the baby, though.

Good luck, I hope that she feels better.

CJ&Drews... said...

Diaper dermatitis is always a nightmare for both parent (s) and child. Try using a cream that has zinc in it, and Shaud clear very quickly. Also, try to bring the corn starch in bed, if you change it or leave it without a layer running as long as possible.
You can go to the doctor explain the symptoms and his only safe, it is a yeast infection ... (CAM, which prevent from front to back ever ed) to.
Skin rashes may occur during childhood diseases, but not very common. Have you changed soaps, detergents, etc.. You could be allergic ... If you then try to use Dreft (especially for babies or not), detergent, soap, and hypo-allergenic .. Good luck!

Cheesy said...

Take the child to the doctor TODAY.

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